Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I know when we’re practicing?
Practice schedules are available on the TeamSnap app. If you don’t have access, let your team representative know, and an invite will be sent to you.
How do I know when we’re practicing?
Practice schedules are available on the TeamSnap app. If you don’t have access, let your team representative know, and an invite will be sent to you.
Do practices end on time?
Practices usually end on time; however, players are expected to assist in field cleanup which can take up to 30 minutes.
How do I know WHEN we’re playing?
The game schedule is available on the TeamSnap app, our website, and on the MaxPreps website. If you don’t have access to TeamSnap, let your team representative know, and an invite will be sent to you.
How do I find out WHERE we’re playing?
Game location details are available on the TeamSnap app. If you don’t have access to TeamSnap, let your team representative know, and an invite will be sent to you.
Where can I find game uniform information?
Game uniform details are available on the TeamSnap app. If you don’t have access to TeamSnap, let your team representative know, and an invite will be sent to you.
How and where can I purchase Golden Valley Grizzly spirit wear?
You can shop from a huge selection of great spirit wear on our new fan gear site: www.blastfangear.com/collections/golden-valley-hs-baseball-fan-store.com
How do I make my player donation?
Player donations and fundraising is what keeps our program going! There are several ways to donate. Click here for more information or navigate to our "DONATIONS" tab.
How can I volunteer?
We always need help with The Den, the scoreboard, and announcing for home games! We’d love to have you help! Please sign up using our SignUpGenius.
When is the next booster club meeting?
Meetings are held monthly, and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please see the TeamSnap calendar for meeting dates.